Identity Shifting & Self Development in 2023
On the basis of my experience in computer programming every number, alphabets, character, symbol and languages are important. Nowadays the market is very competitive and every individual is trying to learn any soft skill. That includes computer programming, digital marketing, software development, website application development, mobile application development, graphic designing, audio production and video production etc. If you are looking for the best soft skill learning platform then you are in the right place. Because here we are trying to show you the best and authentic online platforms through which you will get productive soft skills training. Beyond these all the Identity Shifting & Self Development is most important.
Even Time Takes Time
If you want to learn a new soft skill or trying to enhance your skills then you must have consistency and patience. It’s the true statement “shortcut is wrong cut”. Don’t try to do anything in a short way or with juguard. You will get positive and productivity after focusing on your daily actions. Actions speaks louder than voice. Your daily tiny action gradually grow you in development sector. Through which you will reach your destination easily because the small particles of sand, soil and water make bricks and the small blocks are used to make a huge building. There for you have to do small positive and productive things on daily basis. One day you will reach your destination and become successful in your life.
Life is a Project
It’s only you who will help you change your direction and help you to grow in the right direction. You must have to focus on yourself , trust yourself, think positive, talk positive, learn positive. Then you will automatically get the positive energetic vibes from others.
here is no anything wrong in this world, the only thing is thinking. Thoughts are things if you think you will do it. The manifestation of any thought is possible if you believe in yourself. Don’t depend on others. Try to divide your happiness, problems, relationships, time, activities and then try to put it on paper. Here you will know the reality of every problem and every thing in the world. Gratitude will help you to know the reality of everything in the universe. There is something which is beyond universe, the only ways to think about nothingness in meditation/ spend time with yourself in silence. If you learn to live alone then you will know the fundamentals of everything in the universe.
There are Two Forces (Feminine and masculine energy)
Yes I do believe on GOD because I know who I am. Self motivated, continuous learner is one who researches on their own problems, happiness, relaxations, saturation, relationships etc. Once upon a time I was struggling for survival and hardly spent time trying to find the cup of tea, a piece of bread and a half piece of capstan cigarette. Gradually i got the opportunity to living alone in the mountains. I learn a lot because I learn to listen and not speak, I learn to [provide foods for others not myself, I learn to focus on nature inside mine.
Everything in the universe is beautiful because I have an association with everything in the universe. From frequencies of energies to the small particles of dust on the windows. From the movement of air to the density of polluted water in the streets. Gradually I learned to love everything then I got positive vibes and I attracted positive, productive energies from every creature. Hundreds of companies rejected me after the interview but I’m saying Thanking a lot for them Because I learned the meaning of NO after rejection. It’s impossible to create a machine which can not reject the loops. I’m always looking for the invisible Devine energy which makes me relax, fresh, independent and un-destructible happiness. The only way of survival is simplicity.
Femine & Masculaine Energy
Two main forces are present in every human either man or women. As you know that the feminine energy belongs to female/women while masculine energy belongs to the man/male. If you are female then you have 80% of feminine energy and 20% of masculine energy & if you are male/mane then you have 20% of feminine energy and 80% of feminine energy.
Why Relationship is important in Identity Shifting & Self Development
As we discuss in the above paragraph, the man and women both have the feminine and masculine energy with a ratio of 2:8. Therefore every time the person is in an unstable state because 2:8 is a big difference and it’s much difficult to balance it. But remember it’s not impossible. Therefore the relationship is important to become a stable personality. If you are a boy then you will get 80% of feminine energy from your girlfriend through invisible paths that we can call vibes. A female you are then you will get 80% of masculine energy from your beloved Boyfriend while also sharing your 80% of feminine energy with the same guy in the opposite direction.
Identity Shift
I think Everybody wants positive change in their limited life of 60-80 years. Conceding that you deeply want your latest new version that is your name 2.0. If you really want to shift your identity then you are in the right place here I’m going to show you the procedure. By using that you will get your latest productive stable version of yourself. In old methodology the psychologist and Psychiatrists are focusing on the mode which is best but in the opposite direction. Very few people got success through using the old model. Which is as under.

New Model Of Identity Shifting
In this model the mentalists, psychologists and psychiatrists are developing the most useful, easy, productive and result oriented system. It consists of 5 circles, the same as the old model of self development and identity shifting. The circle labels include the keywords available below. Which will help you to grow up and shift towards your new version.
- Action
- Motions
- Beliefs
- Stories
- Identity

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