World mental health day (دماغی صحت تندرستی)
According to Wikipedia World Mental Health Day is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. It was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental health organization with members and contacts in more than 150.
Karin Heinitz Says on Quora
I have no ‘opinion’ on taking mental health days off work but I have experience with it.
In the early 80ies, before I trained as a therapist, I was the director of a children’s home for 15 refugee children, all boys between 10 and 14. It was a 3 year project to integrate them into German foster families. The children didn’t speak German initially, were highly traumatized and one had an infectious disease which we didn’t know about.
The emotional demand on staff was high, coping with aggression, misunderstandings, and all sorts of other issues (school, social behaviour etc.) The translator, who had accompanied the children on their journey, couldn’t always be there to smooth the waves.
If any of my staff told me that they felt under stress, had a headache, etc. I sent them home. Usually, they were back at their next shift. If someone couldn’t face coming in after a particularly bad day, they were advised to stay at home until they felt better. Usually, they were back at their next shift after the day off.
For the 3 years, there was not a single sick note on my table, the staff stayed highly motivated and sometimes went out of their way to be there for the kids.
I have no opinion on taking mental health days off work.
My experience shows me that it has a lot of benefits for the company, the atmosphere of the working environment, the trust between people working together, retainment of trained and skilled staff despite high demands on them as well as no sick pay.
What’s not to like about it?

Jayden Garza Says on Quora
Mental health days can be key to a person’s overall well being. Which should be no surprise as it is (as in the name) a person’s health. The ability to take a mental health day and not be stigmatized for it (or any type of sick day for that matter) would do a lot to destigmatize health issues and promote well being.
And it’s not like we don’t have the population to do such a thing. We do.
It’s not like we don’t have the overall wealth to do such a thing. We do.
Even if you’re not mentally ill, if you are undergoing extreme stress it can affect performance at work, interaction with customers, and your physical health as well. Being able to take an extra day and breath is key to a healthy environment and healthy human beings.
Edit: I feel like it’s necessary to add, this is from an American perspective. We have the means to be like other “developed nations.” We just refuse to do so due to greed and the lobbying of a relative few major companies.
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